Helping Moms Create Their Own Space to Revitalize their Inner Passions & Playfulness

Why Choose New Creation Coaching?

A Little About Tori….
I am a passionate woman who enjoys finding opportunities to create wherever I go. I am married to my favorite man ever, Luke who inspires and supports my dreams. We have two amazing boys, Emmanuel and Jordan who always remind me to slow down and stay in the present moment.
-Tori Humphreys, Professional Life Coach

One-on-One Coaching Package

“I didn’t know I wanted a coach until I talked to Tori. She explained what a coach did. Then, she asked me insightful questions to get to my real GOAL in life and why I wanted it. Getting to the why and HOW to get those results were truly eye opening. Tori was super sweet and also got me to realize nothing has to be perfect. I love spending time speaking with her to get a new perspective and a better me.”


Mom and Analyst


What is coaching and how does it work?

Coaching is a partnership between a coach and a client(s) where we will get crystal clear on your truest desires, potentially blocks (inner and outer) and setting realistic goals followed up with small steps to get the client the results they desire. The client is free to fully express themself in a safe place to uncover, process and reimagine themselves and the world around them. The coaching relationship is typically a minimum of 3 months in order to establish genuine and long-lasting change. The client can expect to be encouraged, affirmed, challenged, uplifted and supported where the coach will walk alongside them through their journey.

Are the sessions virtual?

Sessions can be either virtual or in-person depending on the time that works best for both of our schedules. Our virtual calls are video sessions unless you prefer phone calls.

How much is coaching?

I sell my one-on-one coaching as a 3-month package. I would love to have a conversation with you to first determine if coaching with me would the best fit for you. Then we will also talk about the pricing as well. For more information, please contact me below.

What happens after coaching is over?

The goal of coaching is to provide you with the skills and tools needed to maintain and even increase your own growth and development independently. What you learn in coaching can and will benefit you far beyond the coaching relationship when you choose to implement it.

If you would like to continue after the 12 weeks, coaching will convert to a month-to-month basis.

Is it okay if my kids interrupt our calls?

Absolutely! You should feel the most comfortable during our time and I don’t want you walking on eggshells if your kids are making sounds in the background or coming to say hi. If you are unable to focus, I will recommend rescheduling for another time. Sometimes are kids can be all over the place and it may be better to try for another time. As long as you are committed to respecting both of our times and to your growth in our sessions.

Where do I sign up?

Feel free to contact me at the link below and we can chat about your passions and how coaching can be a benefit to you.

Do you offer group coaching?

Group coaching will be offered in the Fall 2024. Sign up for my email list below to stay informed of future events and group coaching offerings.

I’m already so busy, how can I make time for coaching too?

It makes perfect sense that you would be hesitant to add ONE MORE THING to your plate. But having gone through it myself, I can assure you that this coaching experience will address the root issues as to why you don’t have time to make room for things you’ve wanted to do for a long time.

When I committed to coaching, I was already committed to counseling as well and was caring for our 3-year-old and 6 month old at the same time.

You can do this! I believe in you!

I’m not ready for coaching right now, but want to stay informed. How can I do that?

Totally understandable! Feel free to sign up for the email listing below and follow me on social media to get tips and tricks that may be helpful for you. I will also send information regarding virtual and in-person events that are coming up too.

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[email protected]

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