Month: July 2023
What are you avoiding?
This past week, I met with my counselor who pointed out that I am more likely to create my own spin on reality because I am more comfortable believing what I want rather than facing what is real. This literally hit me like a ton of bricks! Why was I…
Create for Yourself!
When we receive feedback from others regarding our creative projects, we can be tempted to morph our creativity into the mold of those willing to listen to us. It’s natural to want to be accepted by others, but if we find ourselves trying to create what other people want rather…
How Honesty Grows Your Creative Juices
We put all of our efforts into our creativity and it doesn’t turn out the way we want. How could we not feel completely devastated? Maybe we believe we did a good job, but we didn’t get the response from others that we were hoping for. How much longer until…
Stop Overthinking It!
We all keep a running list of the many duties we need to complete. We drown ourselves in our unchecked to-do lists to the extent that we don’t recognize what has already been accomplished. Staying in the present seems impossible given the various plates we have to juggle. Wouldn’t it…