How Our Pace of Life Affects Our Mental Health
This past week I noticed myself adding more to my already busy schedule contributing to my feelings of overwhelm. This happens every so often and, somehow, I am always shocked by it. When I find myself here, I try to look back to discover who was this Oz behind the scenes booking my calendar. To…
How to Identify the Parent Trap of Comparison
I’ve compared and I keep comparing…A LOT! My business, my parenting, my health, voice, body, you name it. Sometimes it’s to make myself superior where I feel the need to appear better than someone else to prove my worth. Other times, I compare because my thoughts tell me I don’t measure up. Trying my best…
How to Get the Mother’s Day Gift you Want
There’s nothing sweeter than the homemade gifts your kids make for you every year. The flower with the petals shaped like hearts filled with words describing your child’s love for you. Or the homemade frames they decorate with a picture of them inside of it. These presents are truly precious beyond words and ultimately priceless.…