How Our Pace of Life Affects Our Mental Health

This past week I noticed myself adding more to my already busy schedule contributing to my feelings of overwhelm. This happens every so often and, somehow, I am always shocked by it. When I find myself here, I try to look back to discover who was this Oz behind the scenes booking my calendar. To my surprise, I always find myself behind the green smoke and mirrors. When I am in a season of uncertainty, I grasp for clarity by attempting to force outcomes quicker. This is to prevent feelings of discomfort and disappointment. My rushing only leads me to feeling more tired and more fearful of the unknown. 

Why do I add to my already busy plate?

I had an epiphany recently regarding my busyness. When I am stressed out and overwhelmed, I find myself glued to my phone. It is a way I attempt to control the uncontrollable. What I didn’t realize was the correlation between my added busyness and spending more time on my phone. (Now this is my theory and I don’t have any scientific evidence other than my personal observation to back this up). When I see something on my phone, whether an email, text message or post I feel responsible for it. I feel the urgency calling me to make a decision now or regret it and feel guilty later. If I decide not to address whatever I’ve just seen, my brain plays it on repeat until I do. This contributes to my full plate and my mind becomes more cluttered. I also noticed that while I am scrolling, I seek joy in taking on additional activities that I believe will be fun. That is until I admit that just because I enjoy doing it, doesn’t make it restful or helpful. What starts off as a fun idea on my phone ends up as an obligation or a burden rather than a weight off my shoulders. Busy is busy and our minds and bodies can feel the effects of it. 

How does this impact my mental health?

The busier I am, the more my head is full of unprocessed thoughts and feelings. When we are running from one thing to another, we can only focus on so much at a time. More often than not our mental health as well as other areas suffer as a result.  Busyness tends to prioritize itself while ignoring what our minds and bodies have to say to us. Living life at a fast pace is similar to driving around in a car with a tire that has a slow leak. The intention and goal to keep pushing through is there, but the rest of us tell us to slow down and pay attention.

Symptoms I may be running at a pace that’s too fast:

  • Recurring anxious thoughts
  • Inability to focus; distracted
  • Restless
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Lack of time for friends/relationships that are beneficial to us
  • Poor self-care habits
  • Commits to a lot and doesn’t give permission to change one’s mind
  • Just trying to make it through the day…every day

Observe if these resonate with you and how it may affect you holistically. 

How sustainable is the pace you are currently going? If it isn’t sustainable, what changes can you implement to increase your mental health and overall well-being?

Having support for your mental health is vital. Check in regularly with the community around you. If you are looking for ways to slow down and develop healthier habits, feel free to reach out to me using the links below. I would be more than happy to work with you on creating a realistic plan that fits with your lifestyle. 

If you find yourself having difficulty functioning with everyday tasks or struggle to care for yourself and/or others, consider reaching out to your doctor and/or a mental health professional for help.

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