How to Get the Mother’s Day Gift you Want

  1. Accept the gift. Sometimes the gift has already been purchased, the receipt lost and you get something you weren’t expecting. But showing gratitude even for the gesture will make room for us to experience more happiness in our lives. If your spouse gave you a present, that’s something. At times, I’d respond with frustration as if I hadn’t received anything at all. Also, I became far grumpier and more difficult to please when I didn’t value the gifts I received. In addition, think about your kids and how you want them to respond when they get a gift. How might your example be affecting them? Side note: if you find yourself extending compassion for those distant friends and relatives who give you the most bizarre gifts, provide the same charity for the ones closest to you. 
  2. Buy yourself the gift you want. Who said we have to wait around for someone else to get what we want (when we have the means to get it ourselves)? Also it doesn’t have to be a holiday either! Treat yo’ self and go out and get it! Just make sure to let everyone know so you don’t get duplicate gifts. 
  3. Ask specifically for what you want. Be very clear in your communication on what you want. DON’T LEAVE OUT ANY DETAILS! Heck, send a link if that helps. (I’ve even included info regarding how long an item would be on sale for). If there’s something you truly want, don’t waste time leaving hints that might be lost in the mix. Be bold and say it. Also, if you change your mind, let them know before it’s too late. This could avoid unwanted disappointment for everyone involved. And the gift giver won’t walk on eggshells because they can feel confident giving their gift.

The Gift of Coaching