Seize the Opportunity Right In Front of You

There are so many opportunities that we have and either we don’t notice them, don’t know how to make room for them or don’t feel qualified enough to receive them. How many opportunities have gone by unknowingly because of doubts or fear of rejection? Sometimes it’s making the first step of asking for help, putting it in your calendar or stepping out in faith. 

This past weekend I attended a conference called Momcon. It’s a gathering particularly for moms looking to have a break from their typical routine, to encourage one another, be spiritually enriched and to have a great time! I have had this on my calendar for over six months and was both excited and nervous. Attending this event also presented an incredible opportunity to network and learn from other moms as well. Normally, I would be too nervous to speak up about my work because I used to believe that sharing more than two sentences was selfish. But part of my being a coach is to help other creatives who may not believe their dreams are valuable and achievable. This conference allowed me the chance to connect with others who in the future may need assistance with making their dreams become a reality. To assume that others would not be interested would be foolish. Not only would I miss out, but others as well. 

If we believe in our product/services, the right people will see the value in it too.

Here are three steps to seizing an opportunity:

  1. Seeing it. Recognize an opportunity when you have one. There are more than you think. People in your circles at work, school, church, home, etc.
  2. Preparing for it. We want to know what to say and do when an opportunity presents itself. Preparation can also give us more confidence and boldness we need to make it happen. 
  3. Taking it. Fear and doubt can get in the way of us taking an opportunity when we see one. But working through difficult thoughts and emotions can set us up to making the most out of potential connections when they arrive.

As I’ve connected more and more with others, I’ve realized that people are doing the same thing I am and have to go through the same process in order to get where they are now. In other words, the person you are trying to reach is no different from you. We have the same needs and desires.

Just be yourself when the next opportunity comes your way and take the necessary risks to make it happen.