Stop Overthinking It!

We all keep a running list of the many duties we need to complete. We drown ourselves in our unchecked to-do lists to the extent that we don’t recognize what has already been accomplished. Staying in the present seems impossible given the various plates we have to juggle. 

Wouldn’t it be a relief to give your mind a break?

How many times do you tell yourself that once this project is finished you will rest? Yet it seems like the end of one thing just leads to the start of another. 

When you aren’t actively doing the work, your thoughts circle back on what you haven’t done. Like an unpleasant song on repeat.  When you aren’t thinking about it, you feel guilty and maybe even anxious. If you aren’t doing the task, at the very least you can keep it to the forefront of your mind so you don’t forget. 

But where does all this overanalysis lead us to? Feelings of frustration, overwhelm, restlessness and maybe even inaction.

It’s exhausting! Overthinking what we are doing (or what we aren’t) prevents us from creating long-lasting, sustainable success.

I found myself here a couple weeks ago. I had a plethora of assignments on my mind and I couldn’t sleep. Anxiety kept me up at night and during the day it was difficult to concentrate. 

I realized most of my time and energy were spent on things outside of my control. Some of these thoughts centered on how others perceived my business and my identity.

What if I am rejected? 

I don’t have enough experience.

Everything needs to be perfect. 

Instead of recognizing these fears and addressing them head on, I tried to gain more control. But the more control I tried to gain, the more unsettled I became. I was fearful of accepting what I couldn’t control. It frightened me. 

When I actually sat down to observe my thoughts, God showed me what was truly happening inside me. I felt exposed. All of a sudden, my fears surfaced and I couldn’t hide behind my control anymore. I acknowledged what WAS and what WAS NOT in my control. When I did this, I realized I was giving up control over things in my power while attempting to control the uncontrollable. 

Focusing on what I can control puts me more at ease. Instead of obsessing throughout the day, I create designated times for thinking and working on certain tasks.

If you find yourself overthinking things, know that you are not alone! Take some time to examine these thoughts and discover what is and what isn’t in your control.

I encourage you to do the following:

  1. Pause and reflect on your thoughts. (What do you spend the majority of the day thinking?)
  2. Determine what’s in your control and what is not.
  3. For the things outside of your control, ask yourself:
    • What does being out of control mean to me and how does it affect me?
    • How can I accept what isn’t in my control?
  4. For the things in my control, ask yourself:
    • Where have I given up my power of control and why?
    •  How do I want to take back control?
    • Who will keep me accountable?
  5. Create a Ta-Da List (keep a running list of the things you HAVE done!)

Don’t let overthinking keep you from being yourself and showing up the way you want!

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